Our Services

What are the practices of a speech‑language pathologist?
A Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) is a state-licensed, clinically certified practitioner that provides an array of services focusing on speech and language skills. An SLP will screen and evaluate your child in order to develop an individualized plan of care with goals and objectives to focus on in therapy. Therapy sessions will entail skilled services using evidence-based methods to remediate delays and disorders and promote mastery of skills for speech and language success.
What deficits can a speech-pathologist help me with?
Oral Function Therapy
Oral function therapy helps to strengthen and coordinate articulators for chewing, swallowing, and articulation skills. Your key articulators are your lips, tongue, jaw, and palate, and all need to work consistently and smoothly in motor planning speech.
Articulation Therapy
Articulation therapy helps to remediate difficulties with pronunciation of individual sounds at the word, sentence, and conversation level.
Voice Therapy
Voice therapy helps to remediate vocal impairments including nodules, polyps, and paralysis. We help to identify vocal misuse and abuse as well as vocal hygiene habits that may be causing vocal disruption and poor vocal quality. Exercises and counseling are used to help promote improved vocal quality and extinction of vocal impairments.
Fluency Therapy
Fluency therapy focuses on strategies and counseling to improve disruption and incoordination of speech output. Fluency therapy at a very young age may be play focused with parent counseling of strategies to be used at home and in other settings.
Apraxia is difficulty with planning and programming movement for speech. Therapy uses tools and strategies to plan out and program these movements to improve speech productions and prosody.
Language Delay & Disorders
A wide variety of treatments are used to address different variations of language including receptive and expressive delays, reading and writing delays, and social language communication.
For our younger population we offer EeeeeSEy Play, a play-based therapy focusing on easy, simple, and effective strategies that help a child to link their language ability, social interaction, and self-esteem to improve and organize their thoughts and actions.
Auditory Processing Disorder
Therapy focuses on deficits with phonological processing, auditory memory, and auditory comprehension and cohesion skills. Auditory training and direct skills remediation combined with compensatory strategies are used to improve overall processing skills.
Yes! We Accept Insurance!
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield